Your Parish Councillors
There are nine Parish Councillors representing Upchurch and they are elected to office every four years, the next election will be in May 2027. The Councillors are listed below with their responsibilities:-
Cllr Tyrone Ripley
Finance Committee; HR Committee (Chairman);
Vice Chair
Cllr Pamela Denny
HR Committee
The Paddock and Recreation Ground; Upchurch Burial Ground
Cllr Ernie Berntsen
Street Lighting Rep
Cllr Helen Boakes
HR Committee
Burial Ground and Churchyard; Police Liaison Officer
Cllr John Bodycomb
Cllr Alan Horton
Finance Committee
Cllr Gerry Lewin
Finance Committee, HR Committee
Cllr Gary Rosewell
Cllr Neil Sheppard